Thursday 29 September 2011

Aberdeenshire SANDHILL CRANE is on the move southwards..........

Adult Sandhill Crane, Strathbeg RSPB, Aberdeenshire, September 2011 (Ron Marshall)

The adult SANDHILL CRANE that spent much of last week in Aberdeenshire at Loch of Strathbeg RSPB is now on the move southwards. It is continuing down the Northumberland coast as I write, flying over the Ash Lagoons at Newbiggin at 0908 and drifting slowly SW over Blyth not long thereafter

With a light southeasterly breeze blowing, it may well head inland from South Gare rather than continue along the Yorkshire coast if it continues to make headway rather than stopping off to feed or rest

This may well be the first opportunity to see this species in North Norfolk if it decides to follow an easterly route or on Scilly or over Portland Bill if it decides on a more westerly direction. Either way, could be a pretty exciting next few weeks trying to second-guess its next outposts !